Monday, June 15, 2009

Organic Shampoo Recipe

Using organic shampoos are a healthy alternative to traditional shampoos that can harm your scalp and body. However, organic shampoo can be expensive and inconvenient to buy. Many people make their own natural hair products using house hold items. Making your own shampoo is better for your scalp and for the environment. The benefit of creating your own hair care products is that you can customize your shampoo in accordance to your hair type. Also you can save a lot of money because you can make your shampoo in bulk.

There are many ways to create green shampoos at your house. Here is a popular recipe for organic shampoo.

5 drops of tea tree oil
1 tablespoon of glycerin
2 cups of hot green tea
4 tablespoons of grated castile soap

Some other alternatives are to add a dash of lemon juice, coconut oil and even egg whites. Use a blender to make all of your ingredients into a thick paste.

Explore other possibilities to determine what oils and ingredients are best for your hair. You will feel better about yourself and your hair will love you for it. Remember that Organic Shampoo is the way to go for hair care products.

Organic Life Blog

Welcome to the Organic Life and Products Blog!

I created this blog to discuss organic products and the how it is essential to choose green products over industrial and mass produced items. I was not always an organically conscience person. I just started to focus on choosing organic as I feel great when I eat organic foods and buy organic products. Since I was a little kid, I have always been taught to buy products that are cheap. I didn't know what organic was and I didn't care. Buying the cheapest item was my goal when shopping for groceries, I didn't realize that there were harmful chemicals that could eventually lead to me getting sick.

After I started using organic products, I felt HEALTHY. I had renewed energy and had more strength. So that's a little bit about me...I will start writing posts about products, like organic shampoo, etc.